Saturday, February 12, 2022

Let's Play Pokémon FireRed Chapter 4: Rock Out With Your Brock Out

Previously on Pokémon FireRed:

Chapter 4: Rock Out With Your Brock Out

Oh hell, how long was I out?! That Jigglypuff is dynamite!



Ugh, I hate BlueTooth....

Le'ts see what else this town has.

That's a shame.

A Gym? An actual, functioning Pokémon Gym where I can maybe get a badge?! Ooh, I can't wait to see it!

[[Niblog Notes: Repels when used will keep you from encountering Pokémon whose level is equal to or lower than your lead monster for a number of steps that vary with the strength of the Repel (normal, Super, or Max). Since we get precious, precious XP from wild encounters - albeit not nearly as much as from trainers - we will at no point be using Repels. But if you're stuck in a dungeon with a team on its last legs and no way out but to walk a considerable distance through a high encounter rate, I don't begrudge Repels as an anti-frustration feature]]

You have a MUSEUM! I...I love museums...


Lead the way, random person!

....I'm pretty much a teenager but hey, discount....

Oh boy oh boy I love museums!

Actually Dinosaur fossils being ground up and sold as "Dragon Bone Medicine" is a sadly common practice that hurts both the sick and the scientific community and...oh fine, I'll let you have this.



Ooh, a space exhibit!

[[Nilbog Notes: In the the original Red/Blue, this was specifically the Space Shuttle Columbia, but Game Freak perhaps wisely removed the references to the real life ship in these remakes as it had tragically disintegrated the year prior.

On a note of the Pewter Museum in general, its an optional location that contains nothing except hints of things you may find a little later on, but I always thought it was a neat bit of world-building and I always visit it in every Kanto playthrough just because it's cool.]] 

Just take a walk in the forest. You'll find one eventually.

It was absolutely a momentous occasion that only a person completely out of touch with reality would ever doubt actually happened. Luckily, nobody on this planet has that level of damage. In fact, I don't even know why I would even be talking about this because it's such a thing that could never happen.

Well, that was a fun visit! Let's see what else is around here...

Correlation does not always equal causation.

Ooh, an actual name on this sign! Hmm.....I'm going to guess this guy likes Rock-types?

Yup, definitely Rock types. I do know Gyms like to specialize in one majot type, though some take advantage of duel-typing to even their odds.

WHAT?! How did he get here first?! I took too long in that forest...


That's been my lifelong dream, Mister! You bet I dare!

Let's see what you have to tell me!

Yes, I know!

...yes, I know...

...Why does everyone treat me like I just found this newt on the side of a road and didn't study my cheeks off to get a Trainer's Liscense?!

Ah well. Let's see if I can remember about Rock...Hmm....Rock is resistant to Normal, Fire, Poison, and Flying, and Rock moves are super strong against Fire, Ice, Flying, and Bug. That cuts out....everyone on my team except for Raiden and Thade.

Now, I THINK a lot of Rock types are either Rock/Ground or have Ground type moves, which means Raiden is useless here.

[[Nilbog Notes: The fact that most of the Rock types in Gen 1 ARE duel-type with Ground makes them 4x weak to Grass and Water and doubley troublesome for Fire, which is why Bulbasaur and Squirtle wreck this gym hard while Charmander struggles. But...]]

But...Rock is weak to Grass, Water, Ground, Steel...and FIGHTING!

It's all on you, you angry little monkey.

[[Nilbog Notes: Most Gyms have a path that allows you to skip at least some of the trainers before the Gym Leader. Like here, the sandy part can be walked on so we could easily go around this kid.

Buuuuuuut once you defeat a Gym Leader you are no longer able to challenge other trainers in the Gym and we always need money and XP sooooooooo........]]

But he's right there....

[[Nilbog Notes: Sandshrew (who will sadly not get its own entry since it is a version exclusive to LeafGreen) is a pure Ground Type, which means Thade is not super-effective and I can risk giving someone else some XP. Spoiler Alert: Some gyms contain Pokémon that are not of the main Type of the Gym but have moves of that type. Just to switch things up and keep you on your toes.]]

Exactly. That's why I was confused.

Are...are you hitting on me?

Hey, wait, didn't I see you on Celebrity Top Chef Kanto? The one where the sprinkler system went off and you used a frying pan as a makeshift umbrella?



No, I'm going to challenge you knowing I'll win! (As long as my monkey doesn't faint...)

Let it begin!

It doesn't do nearly as much damage as I'd like. Since Low Kick's base power is based on the opponent's weight, that Geodude must be lighter than I thought. His retaliatory Tackle doesn't do too muc but still more than I'd like...


That beast is faster than us, but also heavier...

I'm surprised that didn't one-shot him.

Let's try that now Karate Chop just to be safe!

WOO! That was still tougher than I thought...

It's so shiny!


[[Nilbog Notes: TMs became unlimited use in Gen 5 and onward because no matter how carefully you chose, you always ended up needing the best moves on multiple Pokémon (though not necessarily all in one team)]]

I will use this well as part of your teaching.

Aww, thanks! I just told the ape to trip your boulder and your stone worm.

Cerulean, eh? Maybe I can find a Rock Pokémon to teach this move to on the way. See if I can bring a Rock to play in the big leagues.

You know what? You're all right. Your cheering makes up for your lack of Gym-specific advice.

Chiselers work fast, but I'm still behind him. Need to catch up...

One down, seven to go...

One day I'll find out what's back there, Pewter Museum...

Hmm...I'll have to keep my eye out....


How do shoes make you faster?

Aww, Ma....she is really sweet....

Beep-Beep (Zip-Tang!)


Hey, you looked at me first! It's not my fault my bird pecked your bird's gizzards out.


Um, I never fought a Colton. I think you have me confused with someone else.

Seriously, I never fought you before. I fought Rick, Doug, Anthony, Charlie, and Sammy. No Coltons.

So please let me get there!

You...REALLY need to work on your introductions...

Is there anything in this weird middle plateau?

Are you guys like a cult or something?! Also miniskirts are so in right now!

Heh, you got a stuffed tiger for me?

No, just a...LEVEL 14?!?!

I...I just don't know where either of our heads are...

The "Oh god oh god why is she walking toward me who is this person" look?

My burning need to be a good Trainer to my Pokémon overrides my crippling introvertedness, sorry to say.


Except they do that automatically now. Where have you been?

Again, Trainer 101.

Lady, you were ten feet away from me!

Okay, Agnew, this isn't working. Let's try someone who can nuke from a distance.

Okay, that did nothing. This is one tough balloon...but it's Normal type which means it's weak to...


Hmm, I wonder if I can catch one of those little buggers around here...

Not what I had in mind, but not bad!

He's furry, he's funny.

[[Nilbog Notes: 

Nidoran (Male)
"Stiffens its ears to sense danger. The larger its horns, the more powerful its secreted venom."

In Generation 1, all Pokémon were Genderless, as Breeding had not been a thing until Gen2. The sole exception was the Nidoran lines, where their gimmick was that there were essentially six individual Pokémon that were the same three-member evolution line but one were boys and one were girls. They are actually solid lines that show up on a lot of people's most popular and most powerful lists. You cn find both sexes here, but depending on your version one will be abundant and the other will have a 1% encounter rate. I am not staying here all day looking for the female.]]

That's more like it!

I didn't even realize it was a male! That's super rare! Well, what better name than arguably the greatest male vocalist in Rock history?

[[Nilbog Notes:

Normal (Normal/Fairy in Gen 6 and after)
"When its huge eyes light up, it sings a mysteriously soothing melody that lulls its enemies to sleep"

Due to its featured appearances in the anime, in addition to the Super Smash Brothers game series, Jigglypuff is arguably the second or third most well-known and beloved Pokémon among the general public. It's a surprisingly solid jack-of-all-trades, though it's the weaker of the two Gen 1 lines that fill that niche.]]

Man, this is a long hike...

Yes indeedy.

A Pokémon Center out here? Not that I'm ungrateful, but I have a feeling the toughest part is still ahead of me...


[[Nilbog Notes: Our team at the end of Chapter 4 - 

Tune in next week!]]

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