Saturday, April 16, 2022

Let's Play Pokémon FireRed Chapter 13: Big Spending in the Big City

Previously on Pokémon FireRed:

Chapter 13: Big Spending in the Big City

I can barely contain my excitement, hearing the stories about Celadon City, but talking to the others here while my Pokémon heal is still the best practice.

Well....I didn't until you just told me...

If I could get my hands on one of those, I might be able to do something about that thing at a time though.

Hmmm, so that tells me that if I want to go to Fuschia, I should definitely go DOWN Cycling Road. Again, though, one thing at a time...

Oh, it's YOU assholes...

I will insert myself in Team Rocket's way wherever I can until your little after-school club is wiped out.

Cool! Hope I can find some soon.

Hello, what's this?

Oooh, fancy. 

Hello, little Clefairy. Take me to your manager.

I don't like tea...

That is factually incorrect in every possible way. Fresh water is the best thing for thirst. Maybe something with electrolytes might be better. Sugary drinks like soda pop or lemonade might not necessarily be the best, but even they are better at thirst-quenching than a hot liquid. Hell, even if you actually like tea, iced tea is better than hot tea when you're legitimately thirsty. A hot liquid when you're dehydrated? Disgusting.

[[Nilbog Notes: Spoiler Alert - There will be a larger rant about this when it becomes relevant again.]]

Hmm....I'll have to look for a back door later.

Hmm, I wonder what a Game Freak is? Well, no matter since there's nobody here.


I'm sorry, what story? And the only person I know is Misty (who was pretty hot, not going to lie). Maybe writing fanfiction about actual people is bad.

What does 'FireRed English Localization' mean?

Excuse me?! You've never even met me! Creep....

Why is it always Galaga?

Hey, mister, I don't have enough infinitely regenerating brain damage to wrap my head around what half these people are saying...

Yes, that is right.

What game?!

Uhh sure. G'bye...

[[Nilbog Notes: We will obviously not be doing this, but if you do complete the original 150 in any version of this game from either generation, he gives you a little certificate that you can print out if you have the right peripheries. In this game, if you fill the Pokédex with every existing mon from all three generations, he gives you another even "more special" one.]]

We'll come back and investigate this later.

Exactly. Hot liquids are terrible for thirst-quenching. Glad someone else gets it.

[[Nilbog Notes: It's coming. If not next week then the week after. Patience.]]


Okay, first thing I'm going to do is sell off some of this junk I'm never going to use like Nuggets, X-items, Escape Ropes, that goddamn Everstone, etc.

Next, I'm going to browse these TMs. Most of these are ones I already picked up, which is kind of handy in the case of Dig and Brick Break. As a matter of fact, even though I'm probably not going to use Thade for too much longer, he's been pulling his weight fairly well, so let's give him a better Fighting move in Brick Break.

Next I'm going to pick up a handfull of Great Balls since I'm out of Pokéballs and they sell Great Balls here.

How can you be done with our way of life?

First of all, you sound like those confusing Game Freak guys. Second of all, Counter is only useful after you get hit, and I like to strike first when possible.

Oooh nice! Alright guys, go grab what you want, and I'll pay for it!

Axel, Indy, and Thade came back empty handed.

Raiden came back with a Thunder Stone, Drake came back with a Leaf Stone, and Baku came back with....a Poké Doll...okay then, in the bag they go.

Eh, nothing I need here.

[[Nilbog Notes: Aside from the X-items we don't use, this floor sells expensive performance-enhancing vitamins that raises stats by one point per item. It counts towards the cap on boosted stats that determines how much you get extra from battling certain mons - the formula and calculations are fairly complicated and again only necessary for competitive circles which is, I remind you, needlessly insane. We will be finding some of these on the ground going forward, so we'll go into more detail on them much later.]]

A perfect spot for a picnic!

Now THIS will quench a thirst! I'm going to buy a bunch of them for the road!

[[Nilbog Notes: A Super Potion costs $700 each to heal up to 50hp per item. Fresh Water heals 50hp, Soda Pop heals 60hp, and Lemonade heals 80hp. These are FAR MORE cost-effective healing items for mid-game, so don't waste money on Supers if you can help it and stock up on these. Obviously upgrade to better (and sadly more expensive) varieties of Potion once your teams' health starts to get close to the 200-range, but until then use these refreshing drinks! I'm thirsty just thinking about it.]]

Can't be more immature than a certain Professor's Grandson I know...

Sure kid, have a can of each!


[[Nilbog Notes: In the original Red/Blue, she gives you the far more impressive TMs for Ice Beam (the most reliable Ice-Type move in the game), Rock Slide (which we've seen Indy use), and Tri-Attack (A strong Normal-type move that has a decent chance of inflicting either Paralysis, Burn, or Freeze). Not that the moves given here aren't well-loved by folks favoring a highly defensive playstyle, and even if you aren't they sell for $1500 each so minus the cost of the drinks you still get a net gain of about $3700.

As for the other moves in this version, we've seen where to get Rock Slide, Ice Beam is far more annoying to get, and Tri-Attack is in this Generation only learned naturally by four Pokémon lines.]]

Okay, time to sit down and have a snack. Baku, you can have your doll. Thade, here's your TM...

Raiden, here's your Thunder Stone...

You look so much more dapper now!

[[Nilbog Notes:

Evolves from Pikachu when given a Thunder Stone
"Its long tail serves as a ground to protect itself from its own high voltage power"

I can take or leave Pikachu, but I've ADORED Raichu ever since I caught a glimpse of it in the original anime's opening. I've always loved it looking like a Kangaroo Rat, I've always loved his cool little ears. I feel like he doesn't get nearly as much love as he deserves compared to his mascot pre-evolution or other Electric types in general. Just don't evolve him until Level 26 so you can learn Thunderbolt.]]

Okay, and finally, Drake...this Leaf Stone is for you.

Well, you don't smell much better but you look beautiful!

[[Nilbog Notes:

Evolves from Gloom when given a Leaf Stone
"The larger its petals, the more toxic pollen it contains. Its big head is heavy and hard to hold up."

Vileplume is just pretty dang cool. Based on an Indonesian carnivorous flower that smells like rotting meat to attract flies. 'Nuff said.]]

Well, that was a fun shopping trip! Let's take the elevator down and out!

Now to see if there's a back door to that Mansion.

I knew this path might lead somewhere...

Ah-ha! But first...

And here we go!

Up, up, up, up the stairs we go...

...maybe this was a mistake...

I knew it would be more crazy talk like the other people in this Arceus-forsaken building.

[[Nilbog Notes: The book and blackboard are all about multiplayer features that we have no use of in this playthrough.]]

I'm just going to pick up this item here...

OH! Well then!

Thinking more Indigenous American Trickster God and less Bird-Hungy Cartoon 'Super-Genius'.

[[Nilbog Notes:

"Its genetic code is irregular. It may mutate if exposed to radiation from element Stones"

The famous, the infamous. Its gimmick is having multiple evolution options, and really given all of their learnsets it doesn't make much sense not to evolve it as soon as humanly possible. Over the many generations it has gained a grand total of 8 possible evolutions, though it only started with 3 in Generation One and those 3 are the only ones available at this point in this game.

I am going to go into the second of three exceptions to my "no individual section unless caught" rule, since I am actually not using Eevee in this playthrough and thus not evolving him, but all three are really solid team members and I wanted to go over your choices if you happen to be playing along and are having trouble deciding.

Evolves from Eevee when given a Water Stone
"Lives close to water. Its long tail is ridged with a fin that is often mistaken for a mermaid's."

Hands down not only my favorite "Eeveelution" (as the fans call them), but really my favorite Water Type Pokémon period, and one I usually use in my Red/FireRed runs. It's just such a unique design that speaks to me in many ways. I almost caved and used it again here, but I wanted to use a different Water Type that I always liked but never had a chance to use before. Do not under any circumstances google Vaporeon in the context of breeding.

Evolves from Eevee when given a Thunder Stone
"It accumulates negative ions in the atmosphere to blast out 10,000-volt lightning bolts"

Jolteon tends to be one of if not the most popular Eeveelutions, and in spite of this I think I care for it the absolute least of the entire set of them. It's one notable aspect is being the only Pokémon besides Beedrill to learn one of the only two Bug Type moves in Gen 1 that were kind of okay.

Evolves from Eevee when given a Fire Stone
"When storing thermal energy in its body, its temperature could soar to over 1600 degrees."

I've long held, though only semi-consciously until recently, a deep fondness for Flareon. I think it's the inviting floof. Sadly, until fairly recently, Flareon was a victim of having a strong Attack stat without learning any S.T.A.B. moves to benefit from it. So while he's still a great Pokémon I highly recommend using if you are in need of a Fire Type, it won't be for several more Generations that he'll be able to reach his full potential.]]

Okay, now to explore the southern side of town.

A Silph Scope, you say?

It appears we have the same target.


You got to know when to walk away.

Wait...prizes, eh?

How about YOU get lost or I'LL punch YOU. With a monkey.

Cute little diner! Smells amazing!

Well, I did just have lunch anyway...

You know, as much as I do love this city, I can't help but notice a rot underneath...and infestation if you will...

Many buildings have basements.

It is a nice case.

Okay, what's next door?


All obtained super legally and legitimately, I'm sure.

"Uh...yeah? Yeah! That's right!"

Touch the secret switch behind the poster at the Game Corner, got it.

"Right! .....wait....."

I bet. This makes you guys seem almost competant.

A second Pokémon Center?

Oh, sorry.



Sorry, dude. I feel for you.

Welp, I guess there's just one thing left to do.


What about you? Shouldn't you be in a Gym?

"They kicked me out. Felt uncomfortable with me loitering. So I decided to have some fun while waiting for you."

Wait, you're saying there's a Gym HERE?! How did I miss that?!

"It's easy to miss, tucked away south behind a lot of shrubs."

Grass Gym is good news. Axel will get to shine for once, and Thade with Arial Ace should provide a good backup. Plus, since a lot of Grass types are also Poison, Baku might be a good ringer as well. This also means Drake is 100% a keeper and might get a good TM out of it.

But all that's for later. I need to finish sniffing out this place before I even think of the Gym.

Slots, the laziest and scammiest of gambling.

So I've heard.

These prices are absolutely ridiculous! I refuse to spend my hard-earned cash contributing to an evil organization!

Especially since these slobs always drop more than enough coins to play and nab prizes without me spending a cent...

You got it!

Thank you!

Good to know.



One more go around to see if I've missed any...

Okay, I think I have enough to try a game or two. Just to check it out.

[[Nilbog Notes: Ladies, Gentlemen, and Those That Lieth Betwixt, I present to you the Game Corner Slot Machine.

You can bet one, two, or three coins. With one coin, you can only win if something lines up in the center row. Two coins, all three rows. Three coins, you can win diagonally as well. So it's almost always in your best interest to bet Three coins each time.

The slots spin fast, but you have to click to stop each one, which actually gives you as a player a slight but real advantage to use skill compared to a real life slot machine which is just a light show. If you're good, you can get many jackpots by noticing the giant 7 blue and timing your press perfectly.

Of course,you have to be good. This is a time-consuming method of getting coins, and not everyone has that skill. So while Viola in the story may look down on it, there is nothing morally wrong as a player of the video game with just spending all your money buying coins outright to get what you want.

But you can always win more than you think by getting multiple strings at once.

And the jackpot is legitimately more obtainable than you think.]]

And I know when to walk away. That's enough slots for one lifetime. And now...

Hey you! Don't think I didn't notice you standing there conspicuously, pajama man!

I choose 'Or Else'.

Dang is right. Thade didn't even gain his level.

Hideout? BOSS?! What have I, a young Pokémon trainer, barely out of childhood and still a child to many, stumbled onto that could pose a danger to my very life? Have I stumbled too far?



[[Nilbog Notes: I did not expect to have to end here, but damn that was a lot of screenshots. Here's the team:

Tune in next week!

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