Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Listmas 2021: Top 5 Lists I'm NOT Doing This Year

 Welcome to Listmas 2021, my experiment to see if I can handle semi-regular updates. I plan on posting one of these every other day, then slowing back down to a couple a month if I have something to say. 

Here's how we do things here. My lists come in two flavors: Top 11 and Multiples of 5. I find Top 11 to be vastly superior to Top 10, the one and only worthwhile contribution Doug Walker ever gave society (told you some of my older posts would age like buttermilk). But sometimes I have far more or far less so I otherwise keep it to Multiples of 5.

Some lists will just be lists from top to bottom with no further explanation. Other times when I have more to say and want to indulge in some dramatic tension, I'll go for a more countdown-oriented model. Some posts will be several lists surrounding a topic and other posts will focus on just one.

Today's list will be a single short countdown: The Top 5 Lists I'm NOT Doing This Year

5. Favorite YouTubers

YouTube has really exploded since I started this blog, and it has become a pretty primary source of visual media entertainment for me during some of these darker times. But I'm not going to list my top Tubers here this year, or likely at all. Why? In all honestly, because half of them are leftist political tubers - some controversial even among the Left - and I just don't feel like opening that can of worms right now. I won't shy away when politics intersects with what I'm discussing, but I want to avoid politics becoming a focus of any kind in this space.

4. Favorite Superheroes

While I certainly have not shied away from the worlds of modern myths in spandex, as future lists will show, I just kind of...don't feel like discussing them at length right now. Besides, I haven't read or cared about issue-to-issue comics in years and I'm quite behind on a number of adaptations.

3. Tolkien

Similar to above, while Tolkien-related things are high in some other lists, I kind of just don't feel like talking about it at length over some of the other topics this year.

2. Problematic Faves

This is kind of cheating because it's a twofer and I generally like to avoid ties (such as picking one favorite to represent a franchise as a whole). Two franchises that have been and still remain near and dear to my heart are World of Warcraft and Harry Potter. However, with the horrid atrocities of Activision/Blizzard revealed and J.K. Rowling losing her goddamned mind to transphobia, it becomes harder and harder to speak favorably about the good art they produced. I'll continue to enjoy what I enjoy, but for now the grief is too near to celebrate it.

1. Books

I used to love reading. And I still do. I read all the time. I read essays, I read wikis, I read analyses. But for some reason, in the last five years or so, whenever I pick up an actual capital B Book, I get super tired super fast. So I haven't done as much reading as I'd like to lately. And that includes reading and rereading enough material to put together a Favorite Books list past the first four, and even those I'm not completely sure of the order anymore. Plus, do I want to put Graphic Novels in the main list or its own sublist? It's going to take a while to sort this one out, not going to lie.

This was Day 1 of Listmas. Join me Friday for Day 2.

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